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News and Highlights from our District Director, Brenda Maynard, DTM

Brenda Maynard, DTM, honored with PQD award

At District 81, we are proud to note that our IPPQD Brenda Maynard, DTM, has been awarded the Excellence in Program Quality Award from Toastmasters International. This prestigious award is in recognition of her dedication to successfully lead her team to exceptional achievements in Distinguished Clubs. Kudos, Madam DD!

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Our District Director, Brenda Maynard, DTM, invites every Toastmaster in District 81 to participate in the new campaign titled “Each One, Bring One”. 

This campaign is to encourage each Toastmaster to bring in a new member to their club and will last from August 2020 to June 2021. Will your Division be the one to have the 'most' new members at the end of this super campaign? Let's see!

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